A Day Without …

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.” (James 1:17, NKJV)

What would our lives be without God?  Where would we be without God? Have you ever just considered, even briefly, or tried to imagine what living even one day without God would be like?

Now, before someone asserts what is the truth that without God who made and sustains this world of ours, there would be no life … allow me to ask you to just give some thought to trying to live just one day without God!

We’re not talking about a day that we don’t think about God, because that can and does happen in the hearts of men more than we would like to think.  We’re talking about living a day when God didn’t think about us!

In recent times we have all experienced days without some of the things we once considered necessities … and have since learned to do without even for an extended period of time.

The inspired author of the Book of James was encouraging these early Christians to stay focused on what was really important in their lives by looking to the Lord for wisdom to make wise choices, to find discernment and steadfastness in the face of trials and temptations!

But James by inspiration wanted the readers of this Book to understand that God’s goodness even as His other attributes does not vary!  The One true and living God whose name is “I AM” gives only good gifts!

If our adversary, Satan, can distract us and successfully persuade us to turn our attention away from the rich supply of blessings that our God graciously and willingly provides each of us on a daily basis … and maybe even get us to start brooding and feeling sorry for ourselves over life’s hardships … he might just be successful in leading us away from what’s really good!

The Bible contains a number of warnings to remind us not to forget who God is and what He actually wants for us! God’s gifts are always better than Satan’s bargains which can and will cost one dearly in so many ways!

Hear the wise man Solomon’s words in Proverbs 10:22, “The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, And He adds no sorrow with it.”

So, back to the thought of Living A Day Without … without God that is.  If we were to wake up tomorrow to find those “every good and perfect gifts” gone and no longer available, what would that be like?

  • Imagine getting up and there was no sunlight coming through the window.
  • Or imagine getting up and the much needed rain didn’t come at all!
  • Imagine the marked absence of order, design and purpose to life and living!
  • Think about the chaos, the absence of love, respect and peace!

We could go on with one illustration after another, but we get the point, don’t we? God’s existence, His faithfulness, is at the very core of His nature!  The God of the Bible is always all-knowing, all-powerful, ever present, holy, righteous, merciful and loving!

My God and hopefully He is your God as well … is totally faithful to His character! He is not fickle or unreliable!  The writer of Psalm 119:90 expresses it this way, “Your faithfulness endures to all generations; You have established the earth, and it stands fast.”

So when you get up in the morning, if it is God’s will, and the sun is shining, thank God for His faithfulness!

So when you get up in the morning and find it raining, thank God for His faithfulness in watering the earth and all of the plants and crops on it!

And when you get up in the morning and look at the world around you … its designs and its beauties … its orderliness … thank God for His faithfulness!

And if at the night time, you are able to see the innumerable stars in the heavens, and catch the motion of the falling star as it careens toward the earth in silence … give thanks to God for His faithfulness!

I do not want to allow one moment of my life to be lived without the presence and love of God there with me!

Bill Fairchild, Jr.

 PS:  How is your daily Bible study coming along

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