“More to be desired are they than gold, yea than much fine gold …” (Psalm 19:10).
Twenty-first century prospectors are increasing in those states where gold has been previously mined. The reason is simple: the price of this precious metal is high. The resources being assembled coupled with the desire to find the proverbial mother-lode does not guarantee the hoped-for bonanza folks are looking for.
Actually, what is true in this resurrected mining pursuit is like so many other endeavors we can be motivated by. It might be the pursuit of knowledge, an education, wealth, success, power and the list could go on. Yet, right in our possession is a Book that can provide for each of us nuggets of gold that will truly bring to us not only satisfaction, but guidance, comfort and hope! And that Book of course is the Bible, God’s inspired Word.
The nuggets of value, these gems that teach us of truth and error, right and wrong, life and death are winding their way through the pages of the Bible, waiting for us to discover them. We must not be deceived by our adversary into thinking that we have plenty of time or we can just let someone else do all of the work and we’ll enjoy the fruit of their labor.
Just like mining for any precious metal is an uphill struggle that requires persistence, effort and the desire to find it however long it takes … so the desire to dig deeper into the Word of God requires persistence and effort. We must be willing to do the hard work and put forth the diligent effort … digging and digging to find those awaiting gems that are truly “more precious than gold!”
Like a vein of precious metal runs through the earth, the vein of “life and godliness” runs through the Bible. From the first verse of Genesis to the last verse of Revelation, the will of God has been revealed to us. And it is up to us to use it … to read it … to study it … and to apply it! God tells us in Isaiah 55 that His Word will not return unto Him void and that it will accomplish exactly what He has always wanted it to accomplish. But His Word will do us no good if we don’t pick it up and study it!
Many act as if they can get through a single day without a study of the Scripture and without considering a word from the Lord, even for a few moments. They are content with a casual study, haphazard study or a once-a-week study while attending worship services. Folks are depriving themselves of the gems of truth that comprise the entirety of the Bible. So we must ask ourselves, why should I study the Bible more than I do? What do I hope to gain from investing my time in this pursuit?
Maybe the answer lies in just what we’re looking for in that study. Are we looking for some sort of a quick fix to our problem or situation, or is it just to satisfy someone else’s urging to read daily? Or is it to learn more about our God, His will for each of us and of how we can please and serve Him, and how we and those we love can get to Heaven to be with Him forever?
And so … How are you doing in your daily Bible reading, study and meditation? Be honest with yourself and with the Lord, and be willing to help your desire to learn and study more begin right now! How long would it take you to find the first nugget of gold in His Word? You see, the first step is deciding to do better and the second step is to Get Started!
“For Ezra had prepared his heart to seek the Law of the Lord, and to do it …” (Ezra 7:10)
Bill Fairchild, Jr.
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