Bible reading plans are wonderful as they help us to systematically read through portions of the Bible. There are also those times … we all have them and recognize them … when we find ourselves turning to a certain passage for encouragement and strength.
Recently, with the series of health circumstances requiring my enrollment into a most difficult and challenging treatment protocol for a chronic disease, I have found myself looking to the Book of Job for some comfort and reassurance.
For those who may not know, I have begun my fourth attempt through some extremely difficult treatment to overcome a debilitating chronic disease received through bad blood/bad blood product. The other three treatment protocols were not successful which brings us to the present time where a vital organ has been permanently damaged and the damaging effects will continue.
The statement that captured my attention is found in Job 1:8 where the Lord in conversation with Satan says, “Have you considered My servant Job …?”All of us need to be reassured regularly just how mindful our great God is of each of our lives! Satan would have us to believe God is just too busy to notice. The world in many quarters would have us to believe God doesn’t even exist! But the Bible says, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1) God has always been, is and always will be!
So, the next time you begin to entertain thoughts of loneliness or despair, remember God’s statement regarding Job … because He also sees each of us … every hour of every day … and He is always mindful of His own.
Bill Fairchild, Jr.
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