“For as he thinks in his heart, so is he:…”
(Proverbs 23:7)
Instruction that is godly wisdom tells us that we must guard what we put into our hearts, just as we should be careful about what we put into our mouths.
The fact is … we are what we eat … we are what we think about! So, have you given any ‘thought’ to what has been occupying your thoughts? More of the world and less of God’s will or vice versa. We all know what we think about the most!
The following quotation appears at the front of a book entitled “As A Man Thinketh” which was penned by an Englishman named James Allen and it provides good direction in thinking about what is really important.
“Man is made or unmade by
himself; in the armory of thought
he forges the weapons by which he
destroys himself; he also fashions
the tools with which he builds for
himself heavenly mansions of joy
and strength and peace. By the
right choice and true application
of thought, man ascends to the
Divine Perfection; by the abuse
and wrong application of thought,
he descends below the level of the
beast. Between these two extremes
are all the grades of character, and
man is their maker and master.”
— James Allen (November 1864 – January 1912)
author of As a Man Thinketh
Published 1903
The thoughts and inclinations of the heart do in fact shape the reality of who you are. They shape and form your thinking which will ultimately shape your actions. Even as Jesus said, “by their fruits, you shall know them.” One might be very proficient at masking who they really are before others … but never before God who knows “the very heart of every man.”
May it be in each of our lives that the words from our mouths … and our actions before the eyes of others … be a true reflection of the kind of heart we possess.
Think about that!
“Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight. For you Lord are my strength and my Redeemer.” (Psalm 19:14)
Bill Fairchild, Jr.
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