“Between The Passes …”

“Between the passes, by which Jonathan sought to go over to the Philistines garrison, there was a sharp rock on one side and a sharp rock on the other side.” (1 Samuel 14:4 NKJV)

When we observe someone who obviously possesses remarkable faith … it can be inspiring!  Jonathan, son of King Saul, and best friend of David … was just this kind of example.  Throughout the entirety of chapter 14, Jonathan’s faith is on full display, and it is inspiring, to say the least. You are encouraged to read the entirety of 1 Samuel 14.

One of the ways that we learn how to do something or be efficient in some area of life is by imitating the example set before us by someone already proficient at it.

In the case of Jonathan, we see the strong degree of faith and trust he possessed in God … one that was much stronger and more sincere than his kingly father possessed. The kind of faith that inspires others.  The kind of faith that the world needs to see being lived out today in you and me.

Many are looking in all the wrong places for the real meaning of life and the end result is disappointment.  But when they see with their eyes … hear with their ears … faith being demonstrated on a daily basis … they just might consider more seriously the better option!

And this is where the people of God have been called upon by the Lord to shine.  Jesus knew exactly what He was saying in Matthew 5:13-16 when He said those who would become His disciples would be “… the salt of the earth … and the light of the world.”

We have access to the truth, even as the rest of the world does. The difference … we have come to the realization and the understanding that the best life is found in serving, pleasing, and obeying our Lord.

Jonathan had the confidence in God to DO … not just be “sitting under a pomegranate tree” in self-pity and defeat like his father the king was doing.

When we find ourselves ‘between the passes’ will we choose to climb the rocks and cliffs to engage the enemy, or will we choose to run the other way and hide in the caves of this world?

Jonathan and his armor-bearer made the three-mile treacherous journey and with God’s help … victory came. That’s what each of us must reflect on with more than just a casual glance.

Not everyone fully engages in their call throughout their lives. Many stall out, give up, or never really say yes to the journey of experiencing all that God has for them. It is the responsibility of every member of the body of Christ to be doing the work of spreading God’s Word.

Our King has called upon each of us to be workers … and He has called us to be working for the glory of God and the growth of the Kingdom.  But that call will never fully manifest itself unless we take ownership of it.

Jonathan didn’t have to go it alone and neither should we!  We need others around us of “like precious faith”brothers and sisters in Christ who will “fight the good fight of faith” right beside us.

On their own, Jonathan and his armor-bearer couldn’t save Israel, but Jonathan knew, “Nothing restrains the Lord from saving by many or by few” (1 Sam. 14:6). Jonathan was connected to the truth that God is not confined to the realm of odds and statistics. Armed with trust in God and courage he set out to do his part and watched God defeat the evil army.

On our own, we cannot save the world. But if we are willing to answer His call fully we can show others how God can defeat every enemy! What a wonderful opportunity and privilege God has offered to each of us.

You make the call … As for me … I choose to be more like Jonathan … but also like his nameless armor-bearer who said to him, ‘Let’s go.’


Bill Fairchild, Jr.


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