“I thank my God in all my remembrance of you” (Philippians 1:3)
A mother holds her children’s hands for a short while, but their hearts forever. It can also be said that a mother’s children hold their mother’s hands for a short while, but her heart forever!
Without any hesitation or reservation this writer can say “I miss you Mother!” It is understood that not all childhood memories or relationships are pleasant, but the relationship of a loving mother with her children is a beautiful thing to be a part of!
How does a mother conquer the challenges found in raising godly children when her husband and the father of her children decides to abandon them for the lights of the far country? She finds her strength and encouragement from the Lord, from the love and care of her spiritual family and from her physical family. My mother’s heart always pointed to God and His inspired Word. It was from His Book that she always found comfort, guidance and the help to understand what God wanted. It would be this banner that always flew above our home on Hill Street!
My mother’s heart reflected a deep commitment to spend eternity with Him. She read about Heaven, talked about Heaven and sang about Heaven all of the time. This writer can only hope that he has done the same with our three children and all seven of our grandchildren!
The following lines come from just one of so many birthday cards I received with underlined words and her personal remarks that all of us received at that special time in our lives:
Dear Son …
Ever since you were born, I worried and wondered about whether or not I was being the best parent I could be.
Did I make you feel important? Did we find enough time for the little things that live on in happy memories … the laughter, and hugs, and “just-between-us” moments?
And, even when we disagreed, did you always know I loved you?
Of all the things in my life that I might have or could have or should have done differently, there’s one thing I’d never change, and that’s having you for a son …
If I didn’t always find a way to say it, I hope I always showed it …
I’m proud to be your parent, and I love you, Son. Happy Birthday
Much love, Mother
My mother’s heartbeat and her voice of reassurance are silent now. I no longer can feel her gentle touch, but my memories of all that she was … of all that she did … of all that she sacrificed … are as fresh and vibrant as if we were sitting down over coffee and talking about life today. You see, the legacy of this small, petite little woman was the bigness of her heart and the genuineness of her faith. May her tribe increase!
“Her children rise up and call her blessed; “Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all.” (Proverbs 31:28, 29)
Bill Fairchild, Jr.
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