Let’s Make a Deal …

if-i-only-could-i-would-make-a-deal-with-godLet’s Make a Deal …

And he said to Him, All these I will give you, if you will fall down and worship me.” (Matthew 4:9)

The game show Let’s Make A Deal originated in 1963 and became an instant success. You see the popularity of the show appealed to the desire on the part of so many to make a deal of some kind in order to get something of value in exchange for something of less value. In most cases, a trader would be offered something valuable, and given a choice of whether to keep it or exchange it for a different item hidden behind a curtain.

Life in real time is like the show in so many respects. People make deals every day … in business, between governments, within a family and within our own hearts, minds and lives.  And those deals are not always what they seem.

Sometimes folks try and make a deal with God. Offers like:

  • “If you will keep my loved one alive, I promise …”
  • “If you will get me out of this problem, I will …”
  • “What will this act of obedience really cost me?”

Sometimes folks try and make a deal with Satan. Statements like:

  • “I see what you are offering and it is tempting, how can I …”
  • “I really want this and compared to what others do, it’s not that bad so …”
  • “What is this sin going to really cost me?”

When we genuinely consider what God gives to those He loves, and what the devil who in no way loves us actually takes from us … the facts should be clear. We need to be reminded that God who is always faithful, holy and just in every way cannot be bribed!  He is just not in the ‘let’s make a deal’ business.  Comparing John 14:15 (“If you love me, keep my commandments.”) with Romans 3:23 (“for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”) the difference should be obvious to us.

Every day someone enters into a deal with the devil. They believe their decision will be the best decision ever.  Disregarding God, friends, family, conscience, they have been deceived and seduced by our adversary into thinking they know what’s best.  The hard truth of reality is they usually don’t realize the wrongness of their decision, or realizing but doing it anyway, until it is too late!  And this is the part of the deal Satan never tells us about.  We must always remember that when we make concessions with the devil what we give up is always more valuable than what we gain!

Every day someone enters into a right relationship with God. They believe this will be the very best decision they have ever made in their life … and it is!  God never promises what He cannot or will not do.  He always keeps His word and has no hidden agenda!

So – each of us must make the call – rather than making any kind of deal let’s aim to do what God says to do and we will have no regret in this life and for eternity!

“I the Lord search the heart and test the mind, to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds.”  (Jeremiah 17:10)


Bill Fairchild, Jr.

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