“For we have spent enough of our past lifetime in doing the will of the Gentiles …” (1 Peter 4:3a, NKJV)
Rearview mirrors have their place even as windshields have their place! Nothing profound about that statement is there?
The context of chapter 4 finds a reminder by the Apostle Peter to these early Christians to be willing to take on as their mantra, Christ’s attitude about physical suffering because of serving God.
“Therefore, since Christ suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same mind, for he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, that he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh for the lusts of men, but for the will of God.” (I Peter 4:1-2)
Those of us who make the deliberate choice to accept God’s will and comply with His conditions of pardon are in that choice, acknowledging a path of life characterized by our turning away from sin … not looking back or longing for it.
When Jesus preached that “no man can serve two masters …” (Matthew 6:24) He was telling those who would follow Him they would no longer live for purpose or pleasure in living a worldly lifestyle. Rather, it becomes our chief aim to be doing the Lord’s will wherever it leads and whatever it may cost.
It is to be understood as part of “counting the cost” that the days of living like the world are to be over and the days of living and “walking in the light of God’s Word” take the lead.
The Apostle Peter frequently in his inspired writings mentions “time” as it relates to various aspects of life. There would be little doubt in the truth that his own life would end in martyrdom as Jesus had told him it would. (John 21:15-19)
Consider this thought … would it not seem to be true that if a person genuinely believes in the reality of eternity spent in one of two places … that person would of necessity make the most of their remaining time looking forward, striving to reach their preferred destiny?
Therefore, whether we pass from this life before Jesus returns (2 Thessalonians 1) or we are alive when He returns … and He is coming again … we should desire at all costs to spend the remaining days of our lives by God’s will and guidance for our own lives and for those we love and care for. To live otherwise is driving down the highway of life with a blanket over the windshield.
I read the following quote recently and would ask you to give pause to it: “It doesn’t take us long to get accustomed to the darkness!”
We must strive to maintain the “pure and undivided heart for God.” Real peace and happiness are to be found only in Christ Jesus and His Word! (John 12:48)
Do we profit from remembering what God has done for each of us in the past? Absolutely! Looking back, we are able to see just how much our Lord has brought us from and through, to where we are today.
We may never come to a full understanding of all that our God has done and is doing in our behalf, but we can rest assured that God is preparing wonderful things for His people! That alone should lead each of us to “praise His holy name” for today and keep us looking forward to our eternity with Him!
“The counsel of the Lord stands forever. The plans of His heart to all generations.” (Psalm 33:11)
Bill Fairchild, Jr.
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