“But My servant Caleb, because he has a different spirit in him and has followed Me fully, I will bring into the land where he went, and his descendants shall inherit it.” (Numbers 14:24, NKJV)
The “all-seeing eyes of the Lord” doesn’t miss a thing. And this knowledge can be a source of strength and encouragement to someone who is striving to be more like the Master, Jesus Christ!
Our God is always aware of nations and individuals! (Zechariah 4:10)
There is, very simply, no such thing as a problem-free life.
And we don’t all see those problems and challenges in the same way, do we? Some of us find ourselves overcome by them rather than overcoming them!
The truth is … some of us rather than being made better in character and strength of faith become bitter. And some of us have learned the value and the place of faith to overcome our fears (Romans 10:17).
Caleb was one of those who chose faith over fear time after time and the “all-seeing eyes of the Lord” saw and remembered this man of God who possessed great courage.
Try and imagine overhearing the conversation between the Lord and Moses (Numbers 14:11-ff) and hearing the compliment being paid to Caleb by the Lord Himself, “… My servant Caleb has a different spirit and has followed Me fully.” (Numbers 14:24)
Question: if someone were completely committed to following the Lord … what would their life look like?
By looking into God’s Book we can arrive at what constitutes “this different spirit” of Caleb.
- We must learn to trust God! It doesn’t just happen by osmosis. It has to be acquired personally! Caleb completely trusted in every promise God had made.
- We must learn to develop and mature into one of God’s people that will hold nothing back from serving and pleasing the Lord. Words like loyalty, integrity, dependability, and whole-heartedness.
Caleb was one of those ‘for real’ kind of believers of God. Back when he, Joshua, and the 10 other spies who would ultimately turn on God’s promises and power … he and Joshua agreed with the ten spies that many of the Canaanite peoples were huge … that their cities were well fortified.
The difference between Caleb and Joshua compared to the other ten who went in to spy on the land … they trusted that God knew all of these truths before even sending them in to spy!
What you and I must find on our own is the kind of trust, faith, and courage that believes the God of heaven is never surprised by anything!
And after the generation of Joshua and Caleb died while wandering in the wilderness for their lack of faith … after then crossing the Jordan, and all the conquests Joshua speaks of … it was time to divide up the land.
It was time for Caleb’s promises made by God through Moses to come to pass. Caleb steps up and delivers a masterful speech recorded in Joshua 14:6-12 with remarkable clarity and it is truly reflective of his ongoing steadfastness in faith. He had waited for the promises made for 45 years … after all it was all to happen on God’s timeline! And it did!
Take a few moments, read his short but powerful speech, and see if it motivates you in some way to have that “different spirit?” This speech contains the famous request: “Give me this mountain “statement! An 85-year-old servant of God still not finished serving and standing up for God’s name and purpose!
As Caleb did … we should be doing all the necessary things to be prepared to follow God in every circumstance … be patient in waiting for God to do as He has promised … and always be ready to stand up when the time is right!
Every age needs more people with conviction … faith … commitment … and trust in Jehovah to stand and be counted as those of a “different spirit” as Caleb possessed.
The wonderful takeaway from the life and faith of Caleb through all that he witnessed and experienced … each one of us has the same potential if we choose to accept it … nurture it … and never let it slip away. God will always do His part!
Will you be one? And if you are a “Caleb” … may others be strengthened by your godly integrity and “go and do likewise.”
Bill Fairchild, Jr.
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