“The Lord has been mindful of us; He will bless us …” (Psalm 115:12)
I recently took a little walk … the same walk I had taken several weeks ago.
But this walk was not down some pathway, sidewalk, or track. No … it was a walk down ‘memory lane.’
Have you ever been on that walk? It is not the walk where one longs for “the good old days.” It is not a sad and disheartening kind of walk.
This was a walk where I could enjoy recounting people, places, and events that comprise life itself. And the beautiful thing about this walk was that it did for me exactly what I was looking for.
You see … I needed to be reminded in a truly clear and concise way of just how much the Lord has been mindful of me throughout the entirety of my life!
Sometimes the fog of living with all its busyness, craziness, and uncertainty can diminish or even blind our eyes to just how much we do have … have navigated successfully through … and the many joys that outweigh the disappointments.
Can you relate? Sure, you can!
A song/hymn writer by the name of L.O. Sanderson (1901-1992) who would become a gospel preacher penned four hundred songs during his lifetime. And one of those songs is the title of this blog.
When he first became a child of God, he was certain that giving his life to serving Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior that was going to generate great trouble, much grief, and tremendous sacrifice.
In a way, he was correct. But later in his life as he reflected on all that had happened in his life after becoming a child of God he said, “I decided that I had been wonderfully blessed.”
And so, with those thoughts in mind, he wrote ‘The Lord Has Been Mindful Of Me.’ And there are so many places in the Bible which point out for man’s benefit that He has been … is now … and always be “mindful of us!”
The passage found in Psalm 115:12 is one of reminding God’s people of old that God had not forgotten them … that He was “mindful of them and would bless them …” and “that He would remember them.”
What was true for those on the other side of the Cross of Calvary is even more so for us on this side of the Cross!
The God of Heaven … the “I AM WHO I AM” has no flaw, no weakness, no memory lapses. He is in complete control of this universe … not in any way overwhelmed by all the promises He has made!
Are you giving some serious thought-time to these truths? We must not allow these truths to slip into the darkness of this world.
When the Bible speaks of God’s remembering it is a declaration of His faithfulness!
L.O. Sanderson came to the realization that no matter where his journey in life would take him … ‘the valley of shadow … mountain or trouble sea … traveling in the darkness’ “THE LORD HAS BEEN MINDFUL OF ME.”
This hymn-writer came to understand that regardless of the trouble or the intensity of that trouble, even when it was ‘much more than my grief … my sorrow … my adversity … and all that he had given’ “THE LORD HAS BEEN MINDFUL OF ME.”
To put it just as clearly and concisely as he could from man’s perspective … he realized from all that He had from God’s hand “THE LORD HAS BEEN MINDFUL OF ME.”
He declared he was rich … he was saved …he was happy … he had his health and prosperity … and he had friends with doors ever open! Oh yes, this man had it right … “THE LORD HAS BEEN MINDFUL OF ME!”
We need to make our own list. On my walk, I could remember His mindfulness through so many troubles and trials.
On my walk, I could remember with clarity so many friends … loved ones … the faces of so many campers over the years … and I laughed aloud as I thought about each of them and the new counselors doing the ‘duck walk’ to become an official ‘Nipper sinker.’
And on my walk, I remembered all the good and wonderful things others have done for me and my family through the years … and I wept tears of thanksgiving!
So much more could be written, but let us close this anthem as it were with some other words found in our passage:
“He will bless those who fear the Lord, both small and great” “…we will bless the Lord from this time forth and forevermore.” (Psalm 115:13, 18)
Bill Fairchild, Jr.
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