Those Thankful Moments …

“And whatsoever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.”  (Colossians 3:17)

One of the many lessons parents are challenged with in bringing up their children is teaching them how to be grateful and thankful.

One of the many lessons the parents somehow forget or appear to be negligent in is expressing thanks and gratitude for kindness shown to them.

It’s that time of year when the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade comes on while mothers and daughters are slaving away in the kitchen preparing the veritable feast for those in attendance to eat.

If that’s time of year on Thanksgiving when several football games are televised and the men and their sons lounge around to cheer and boo.

It’s that time of year when the largest section of inserts and advertising on the day after Thanksgiving known as Black Friday appear.  Anticipation for this day leads to leaks even weeks before the day informing shoppers of their specials.

It’s that time of year when the food prepared is plenteous, delicious and in many cases overwhelming and we want to at least taste it all!

It’s that time of year when families get together and catch up on the events of their lives over coffee and dessert!

It’s that time of year when a nap after turkey and dressing seems most appropriate!

It’s that time of year when turkey sandwiches and chips and dip sound really good late in the afternoon or early evening!

Becoming more thankful … realizing just how much we have to be grateful for … these are qualities that can and will lead to a life better lived.  Much is said throughout the entirety of God’s Word about thankfulness.  So, it would seem that the Lord knew we needed to be reminded to be this way.

Every day should be for the child of God a day of thanksgiving!  We have so very much to be thankful for including all of the physical blessings that our God and Father continues to shower upon us!

Every day should be for the child of God a day of thanksgiving!  We have so very much be thankful for including all of the spiritual blessings that our God and Father continues to provide for us in Christ Jesus!

Take the time on this day and every day to express to others your love and appreciation for who they are and what they do!

Take the time on this day to thank the Lord for Who He is … for all that He does and promises to do … for the hope of Heaven that will be for eternity!

If we will just do these simple things … the day will be better … our lives will be happier… and those around us will be so glad we are there.

Thankfulness is available to everyone of us … and it’s free!

“Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good!  For His mercy endures forever.” (1 Chronicles 16:34)


Bill Fairchild, Jr.

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