“… But Your servant meditates on Your statutes. Your testimonies also are my delight and my counselors.” (Psalm 119:23b-24, NKJV)
What is your final authority when it comes to life … choices … and the dilemmas of this world? This question is a foundational question that each one of us must answer.
Where do we go for a clear understanding of what is right and wrong?
Where do we turn for guidance when we encounter those difficult decisions, cultural pressures of which there are so many and in those times of personal crisis when we just don’t know what to do?
What source can we look to for the real truth about who our God is … who we are … and how He made it possible for us to be in a right relationship with Him?
Psalm 119 has been defined as the longest chapter of the Bible. The interesting and preeminent thought of this chapter is that of value, reliability, and deep wisdom that can only come from God.
The writer needed the wisdom to know how to handle difficult situations, and he found counsel in God’s Word (v.24). Instead of listening to the enemy’s slander, he meditated on God’s truth.
Who among the living today is not in deep need of good, wise, and right counseling to manage the challenges of life and living?
Our eyes as well as our hearts have a genuine appetite, and it is our privilege by the blessing of free will to determine what will satisfy each. (Psalm 119:82, 123; 1 John 2:16)
We must be careful where we focus them (Psalm 119:37). Eyes that feast on the vanities of this world will never see the wonders in God’s Word.
That is an effective way to keep your mind clean and confident. (Phil. 4:4-7)
Make no mistake about it … God’s Word, the Bible, His Book, is to be our final authority for all of life … for genuine faith … and for practice in daily living because it alone claims to provide for those who will turn to it, “… all things that pertain unto life and godliness.” (2 Peter 1:3)
This Book, the Bible, is living (Hebrews 4:12), infallible, and completely accurate (2 Timothy 3:16,17) that comes solely from the breath of our living and infallible God!
The significant takeaway from these truths is this: Each of us needs to arrive at that place in our hearts and minds where our love for our God is directly connected to knowing and loving His revealed Word!
If God had not given us His revelation … we would live our lives in spiritual ignorance and darkness.
- There would be no standard to live by.
- There would be no knowledge of God … His will … or His way.
- There would be no assurance of peace, joy, and forgiveness.
- There would be no victory over evil … over sin … over death!
- There would be no direction (see Jeremiah 10:23).
- And there would be no hope (see Ephesians 2:11-15).
If God had not protected His revelation from error, the Bible would be an unreliable book of no greater value than any other literature written by fallible human beings. BUT HE DID!
If God did not give us the will and the ability to understand … choose and decide … we would never understand His purposes or know His will. BUT HE DID!
So, let me ask: Who counsels you? How confident are YOU that you are on the road to righteousness (Matthew 7:13,14) as revealed in the Bible?
Bill Fairchild, Jr.
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