“And God said: “This is the sign of the covenant which I make between Me and you, and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations; I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth.” (Genesis 9:12-13)
Taking care of my usual duty to water the flowers in both the front and back yards daily, I recently went out when the wind was blowing exceptionally hard and was making the wonderful shower I was providing for my little friends difficult for them to receive.
It was then the magic appeared as it does when the sun is just right … you guessed it … a beautiful little partial rainbow appeared. And when it did … it reminded me of just what a wonderful and awesome God we have the ability to worship and adore!
Today we are in one of the hottest summers in our state’s history and it is brutal. Temperatures for a number of days both past and in future forecasts are in the 100’s and heat indices even higher. High today 108!
God knows what is best … always. He controls the thermostat of this world! And my own faith and trust in Him leads me to trust Him implicitly!
But we sure could use the moisture that precedes the beautiful sign in the sky of God’s presence, will, and promise! Am I complaining … no … does it mean I am enjoying this oppressive heat … not in the least! Should I be unhappy with God’s care … not in the least! But a rainbow following a nice cooling rain would sure be nice!
So, what do you think of when you see a rainbow? Is it possibly the myth that the “pot of gold” awaits your discovery at its end? Perhaps, it is the majesty of the beautiful colors on display?
Does it serve to remind you of the covenant God put in place between Himself and Noah? When we were younger there was just something about seeing that bow in the sky … and like a little child are you once again filled with wonder, awe, and praise?
We are living in a very cynical and self-absorbed place that continues to lead so many in any direction except to God!
Let’s consider a couple of questions:
- Is the record of Noah, the Ark and promised flood that would cover the world really true?
- For that matter, are the events beginning in Genesis 1:1 through Revelation 22:21 actual and accurate and did they really happen?
- Having accepted them as truth … are they making a real difference in our hearts, souls, minds … and in our very lives?
- Are we losing or have we already lost the sense of awe and wonder at the beauty that our loving God has created for us to enjoy?
- Does the account of Noah, the wickedness of the world he lived in, the instruction and construction of the Ark … the placing of so many animals for many days, the actual flood itself and all that would follow still move us to greater faith and trust in God?
- Does the sighting of the rainbow against the backdrop of dark clouds still give us hope like it used to when we were smaller and talked about and sang songs about it in our Bible classes?
We are encouraged in God’s Book to “examine ourselves” from time to time … to look closely at who we are and what we believe. The souls of our young are at stake and so are ours.
The record of how this world came into being by the mighty voice of the only true and living God and all the events to follow are not myths or passed-down stories. What has been revealed in God’s Book is not something thought about and made up by men along the way of life!
They are in the Bible, God’s inspired Word … and they are holy, true, and right! Questions about the inerrancy of the Scriptures are making their way into the house of God.
It should come as no surprise then to those who serve the Lord and are familiar with its inspired contents that Satan would take that which is sacred … holy … and yes … promising assurance from our Creator … and twist it … pervert it … distort it to fit one’s personal narrative and symbolize a lifestyle contradictory to God!
Make no mistake … the distortion of its meaning, relevance and certainly its significance … is Satan’s way of mocking God’s Word and His will by high jacking truth with worldly and perverse views!
But to those of us who genuinely love the Lord, whose love is reflected by living a life of faith, trust, and hope in God and His promise … it serves as an everlasting sign of God’s love, grace, and mercy!
As God’s people … this is our time to be unafraid to demonstrate our love, hope, and faith … praising the One true Rainbow-Maker!
And, yes, Lord … we could still use a few more rainbows … those beautiful assurances that you are mindful of us … faithful to Your Promises.
“For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us.” (2 Corinthians 1:20)
Bill Fairchild, Jr.
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